Thursday 9 July 2020


Introduction : I have lived in Canada now for nine years and I consider it to be my home. Even though, I grew in Bangladesh and feel a connection to my family there. Canada and Bangladesh are different in almost every way. I am going to outline how the populations and climate contrast drastically.

Bangladesh is a population country. Nevertheless, I love this country.

Friday 5 June 2020

Winning The Lottery

 Wining the lottery

   I wish to try my luck. Many people, how most people dream of winning the big Lottery, and I have a dream of winning the big lottery. The big prize so that I can fulfill all of my desires a wishes. If I win the big prize my favorite fantasies trying to figure out what to do with 50 million of dollars. My opinion, I think if I win the lottery, I have to follow few things.
    I do not let anyone know the money, this is my number of priority immediately before fighting act. I think  the privacy  is my main concern. I heard over 70% of lottery wiener  are back to being broke after 3 or 5 years. I will tale them when time is right. First I will put all money in the bank. Before taking an important  economic desition I need take some time. I always remember remind myself my planing for the long run I don't want a many mistake might put everything in danger.  I will pay all of my debts If I have. I will not quit my job immediately. If I get the large mount my family will be very happy and grinning from ear to ear. I shall spend freely for the comforts of my family. I will buy a good house and one nice car for us. I will donate some amount to my school for the education of poor student. I will also give some money to society for the blind children. I will deposit the balance money in the bank. The interest on this will be sufficient for my family to lead comfortable life. Me and my family will be really happy, if I win the first prize.
     I know the its a dream. I think I'll hang on to my dream and worry about how to spend the money when it actually does happen.

Tuesday 5 February 2019

Reading Assessment

Note-taking While Reading Activity 1

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Questions answered correctly first time: 6/6
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When reading for study purposes, it is common to take notes. People take notes for different reasons: to stay focused on what they are reading or listening to, to remember information better, or to deepen their understanding of the information.

Here are some steps for note-taking:
  1. Define your purpose for reading. Is it to get a general understanding of the text? To find specific information for a class assignment? Or to be able to recall information during an exam? Thinking about the purpose will help you stay focused on the information in the text that is relevant to your needs.
  2. Preview the text to get a general sense of its content and how the information is organized. For example, skim headings, sub-headings, chapter summaries and charts. Getting a sense of how the entire text is organized and what the main ideas are will help you organize your notes. For example, the headings in the text (or table of contents) can be used as headings for your own notes.
  3. While reading the text, try to differentiate between the main points and supporting details. It is helpful to read the introduction to the text and topic sentence of each paragraph for the main points. Take notes of the main points and supporting details.

  1. What are the reasons that people take notes? (Select all that apply, then click "Check.")
    1. to help them recall
    2. to write down what they already know
    3. to increase their knowledge of a topic
    4. to see how much they can remember
    5. to help them be more attentive
  2. One of the keys to good note-taking is to keep in mind your ________ for reading the text. (Answer with one word.)
  3. ________ taking notes, it is a good idea to understand a the organization and general idea(s) of the reading. (Answer with one word.)
  4. When taking notes from a reading, it is a good idea to use the headings or table of contents to help ________ the notes.
  5. Which word in the text means "to perceive the difference between two things?"
  6. Understanding the difference between ________ is important when taking notes from a reading.
    1.   major and minor supporting details
    2.   main ideas and supporting details
    3.   heading and subheadings
    4.   all of the above

Monday 10 September 2018

3. I don't know where I'm going on my vacation. I haven't finalized_my plans yet.
4. This is my  final vacation plan: I'm going to San Francisco for a week.
5. You can buy excellent rye bread in that _bake.
6. No, I'm not _sick_I'm just feeling very tired right now.
7. No, I don't like her perfume. It smells sickness_sweet to me.
8. I think Dave's been working too hard. I'm sure he'll feel _rejuvenate  after his vacation, however.
9. I think Dave's been working too hard. I hope his vacation will be rejuvenate_for him.
10. I think Dave's been working too hard. I hope his vacation will give him the rejuvenate_ that I think he needs.

Monday 28 August 2017

My Co-Worker

When I arrived at my workplace, I knew what I had to do. When I saw my co-worker not doing their job diligently and I had a problem with it. I quickly tried to understand their problem . "please do your work honestly", I said. I told the colleague my expectation of their job, that they do it sincerely, carefully, and with smile. If they didn't care to change their ways, I will tell our manager about the problem. But I always try to work with my co-worker as a family member,

Friday 28 July 2017

My Friends Life Story

 My Friend Life Story
Here, I am talking about one of my friends. I had many friends in my school life. I always remember this friends because his life was traveled of lot. I have known him from when we were children, and also he was my neighbour. We were in the same school from kindergarten through university. When my friend and I were in middle school, his father died. My friends  family wasn't financially happy. After his father died, he, his younger sister and their mom had no income. when their father was alive, his mother was a house wife. She was educated, that's why she did not stop her kids studying after their father had died. We finished school, college and graduation together that's why I know my friend and his family for many year. He had a dream he will finish his higher degree. He was a good student but he could not finish his higher degree because of a lack of money. Then he stopped his studies and he tried to do something for their family financial support fast. He tried knock on door to door, but it was hard to finding a job in our country. Many days later he found a job minimum wage. It's better than nothing. It was not like what his education prepared him for, but he had made to do support his younger sister's studies and their family's survival. Their family was surviving as like hand to mouth. When I think about my friend terrible life, I am upset mind.

      Here is not yet my friends life story, After a few months later his mom sicked and he couldn't buy enough medical help because he didn't get that much money for working, after few days later his mom was getting sicker and sicker and after a few more days later his mom died. Every people has some good thing and some bad thing in their life but I didn't see any good thing in his life, always his life was like a dark jungle.

Sunday 6 November 2016

From Top To Get Down

A rich man live in a big city. His family and our family  was very close. He has three daughters and two sons. One daughter is name Sumi. She looks very kind. The other two daughters are Sima and Rumy. They are lazy. They like going out and fun. They are want a rice husband. They do not like Sumi because she is beautiful. Sumi has a long hair. We studied same school, when we were student. Sumi was kind and friendly. She like staying at home and reading books and also she was good pianist.
Sumi's father is a merchant. He had a big factory.One day he loses all of his money because his clothe's  factory has fired. Then one day their father says  my children you guys already knows about my business. I don't have much money.  We must leave this big house and go live in the country. Their father told we have to work now. Sima and Rumy they don't want to live in the country. The family went to the country and live in a small house. The two brothers work in the city. They did not go to the country. Sumi went because their mom is sick.